Exhibits must not be disturbed, dismantled or removed before 2:30pm on Saturday, October 23, 2021. All exhibit materials must be removed from the exhibit area by 5:30pm on Saturday, October 23, 2021.
Written notification of an exhibitor’s decision to cancel must be faxed or emailed to Jule Uddfolk, Meetings & Exhibits Manager, at the ISHRS Headquarters office (fax:1-630-262-1520, info@ishrs.org). It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to assure the cancellation was received. If written notification of cancellation is received at the ISHRS Headquarters office, the following policies will apply to the exhibit booth fee:
Regarding In-person Fees (paid for each exhibit representative), there is no penalty for cancellations up until October 11, 2021. After that date, there is no refund for cancellations.
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